UX/UI design

What is UX design?

UX is the experience of interacting with an app or website. The user experience depends on the components: graphic design, site architecture, interface responsiveness and clear text.

In a broader sense, we are talking about the entire user experience of an application or website. The clearer and more accessible the interface, the easier it is for the user to obtain the target result. Mandatory responsibilities in UX design include prototyping, user behaviour research and systematic testing.

Marketing Engineer. And the other side of the UX designer. The specialist studies the analysis, writes the working text for the authors, thinks over the connections of the interface elements and their visual layout, resulting in a prototype whose effectiveness directly depends on the quality of the work done.

What is UI design?

UI design is the work on the graphical part of the interface. It includes animations, photos, illustrations, buttons, menus, fonts, sliders.

The main task of a UI designer is to help the average user understand how to use the product quickly and easily. It can be a website, an app, a payment terminal, a TV remote control, an oven. The interface of any product should be based on the requirements and rules that are common to each type of gadget.

The UI designer “manages” the interface objects and checks:

  • whether the drop-down menu works correctly,
  • whether it is easy to click on “Order”,
  • Can the text be read on my smartphone?
  • Is it easy to fill in the form,
  • Does the website report activity correctly?

The user interface designer is responsible for how the product interface looks and how the user interacts with its elements. But you need to understand that in addition to the graphical interface, there is also voice, touch and sound. The UI specialist also works with these, but his most common role is graphics.

UI/ux designer responsibilities

The work that a ui/ux designer does is determined by the responsibilities of both the ui and the ux specialist. By combining the tasks for each area of interface design, we get a complex ui/ux specialist.

The main task of a UI designer is to help the user easily understand how to interact with the product. To achieve this, you need to know programming, the psychological aspects of colour and graphic design, as well as a sense of style.

Key responsibilities of a UI designer:

Designing custom pages and screens

  • Aligning graphic elements with corporate identity
  • drawing buttons, blocks, sliders, switches
  • Creating a manual for the software product
  • layout


UX design is more about the structure of the product and the user experience. User experience Designers typically have a wide range of skills, such as graphic design, social research and software development.

Key responsibilities of a UX designer:

  • Conducting user surveys
  • creating a portrait of the target audience
  • developing a working prototype of a product
  • creating a logical product use chain
  • testing, making changes / modifications based on its results.
  • Repeat the sequence “prototype – test – make changes” until you achieve the optimal user experience.